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Provider operations on the Marketplace contract can be done using both the Marketplace contract and the MarketPlaceHelper contract.


Before performing any CRUD operations, providers must register themselves on the Marketplace contract. This is done by calling either addLiquidityAndRegisterWithETH or addLiquidityAndRegister functions.


addLiquidityAndRegisterWithETH function takes the following params:

  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to register with.
  • metadata: The provider metadata.
  • publicKey: The provider public key.
  • minOut: Array with the minimum amounts of media and weth to receive.
  • path: The preferred MEDIA/WETH Uniswap path. (Utilized to swap half of the ETH to MEDIA)
  • slippage: The slippage tolerance.
  • poolFee: The pair fee of the pool where your liquidity will be added.
  • amount: The amount of ETH to send.

addLiquidityAndRegister function takes the following params:

  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to register with.
  • inputToken: The input token address.
  • inputAmount: The input amount.
  • metadata: The provider metadata.
  • publicKey: The provider public key.
  • minOut: Array with the minimum amounts of media and weth to receive.
  • paths: The preferred Uniswap paths. (Utilized to swap half of the input token to MEDIA and the other half to ETH)
  • slippage: The slippage tolerance.
  • poolFee: The pair fee of the pool where your liquidity will be added.


Both functions will return Promise<any>.


import { Sdk, MarketplaceHelper } from 'media-sdk';

// initialize the sdk using a private key
const sdk = new Sdk({ privateKey: "afdfd9c3d2095ef696594f6cedcae59e72dcd697e2a7521b1578140422a4f890" });

const marketplaceHelper = new MarketplaceHelper(sdk);

// register with ETH

await marketplaceHelper.addLiquidityAndRegisterWithETH({
marketplaceId: 1,
metadata: '{"label":"Super Provider"}',
publicKey: '0x1234567890',
minOut: [100, 100],
path: '0x1234567890',
slippage: 50000, // 5%
poolFee: 500,
amount: 100,

// register with an ERC20 Token

await marketplaceHelper.addLiquidityAndRegister({
marketplaceId: 1,
inputToken: '0x1234567890',
inputAmount: 100,
metadata: '{"label":"Super Provider"}',
publicKey: '0x1234567890',
minOut: [100, 100],
paths: ['0x1234567890', '0x1234567890'],
slippage: 50000, // 5%
poolFee: 500,

Create Offer

Creates a new offer in the marketplace


  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to create the offer on.
  • autoAccept: A boolean value that determines if the offer should automatically accept deals.
  • maximumDeals: The maximum number of deals that can be made on the offer.
  • pricePerSecond: The price per second of each deal expressed in Media.
  • minDealDuration: The minimum duration of each deal in seconds. Measured in seconds.
  • billFullPeriods: A boolean value that determines if the deal should be billed for the full period.
  • singlePeriodOnly: A boolean value that determines if the deal should be billed for a single period only.
  • metadata: A string containing useful information about the offer and the product or services being sold.


The function will return Promise<any>.


import { Sdk, Marketplace } from 'media-sdk';

// initialize the sdk using a private key

const sdk = new Sdk({ privateKey: "afdfd9c3d2095ef696594f6cedcae59e72dcd697e2a7521b1578140422a4f890" });

const marketplace = new Marketplace(sdk);

await marketplace.createOffer({
marketplaceId: 1,
autoAccept: true,
maximumDeals: 100,
pricePerSecond: 100,
minDealDuration: 60,
billFullPeriods: true,
singlePeriodOnly: false,
metadata: '{title: "My Offer", description: "This is a test offer"}'

Update Offer

Updates an offer


  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to update the offer on.
  • offerId: The id of the offer to update.
  • maximumDeals: The maximum number of deals that can be made on the offer.
  • autoAccept: A boolean value that determines if the offer should automatically accept deals.
  • pricePerSecond: The price per second of each deal expressed in Media.
  • minDealDuration: The minimum duration of each deal in seconds. Measured in seconds.
  • billFullPeriods: A boolean value that determines if the deal should be billed for the full period.
  • singlePeriodOnly: A boolean value that determines if the deal should be billed for a single period only.
  • metadata: A string containing useful information about the offer and the product or services being sold.


The function will return Promise<any>.


import { Sdk, Marketplace } from 'media-sdk';

// initialize the sdk using the private key used to create the offer

const sdk = new Sdk({ privateKey: "afdfd9c3d2095ef696594f6cedcae59e72dcd697e2a7521b1578140422a4f890" });

const marketplace = new Marketplace(sdk);

await marketplace.updateOffer({
marketplaceId: 1,
offerId: 1,
maximumDeals: 100,
autoAccept: false,
pricePerSecond: 100,
minDealDuration: 60,
billFullPeriods: true,
singlePeriodOnly: false,
metadata: '{title: "My Offer", description: "This is an updated test offer"}'

Delete Offer

Deletes an offer


  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to delete the offer from.
  • offerId: The id of the offer to delete.


The function will return Promise<any>.


import { Sdk, Marketplace } from 'media-sdk';

// initialize the sdk using the private key used to create the offer
const sdk = new Sdk({ privateKey: "afdfd9c3d2095ef696594f6cedcae59e72dcd697e2a7521b1578140422a4f890" });

const marketplace = new Marketplace(sdk);

// delete an offer
await marketplace.deleteOffer({
marketplaceId: 1,
offerId: 1

Accept Deal

Accepts a deal placed on an offer


  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to accept the deal on.
  • dealId: The id of the deal to be accepted.


The function will return Promise<any>.


import { Sdk, Marketplace } from 'media-sdk';

// initialize the sdk using a private key used to create the offer

const sdk = new Sdk({ privateKey: "afdfd9c3d2095ef696594f6cedcae59e72dcd697e2a7521b1578140422a4f890" });

const marketplace = new Marketplace(sdk);

// accept a deal

await marketplace.acceptDeal({
marketplaceId: 1,
dealId: 1

Reject Deal

Rejects a deal placed on an offer


  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to reject the deal on.
  • dealId: The id of the deal to be rejected.


The function will return Promise<any>.


import { Sdk, Marketplace } from 'media-sdk';

// initialize the sdk using a private key used to create the offer
const sdk = new Sdk({ privateKey: "afdfd9c3d2095ef696594f6cedcae59e72dcd697e2a7521b1578140422a4f890" });

const marketplace = new Marketplace(sdk);

// reject a deal

await marketplace.rejectDeal({
marketplaceId: 1,
dealId: 1

Cancel Deal

Cancels a deal placed on an offer


  • marketplaceId: The id of the marketplace to cancel the deal on.
  • dealId: The id of the deal to be canceled.


The function will return Promise<any>.


import { Sdk, Marketplace } from 'media-sdk';

// initialize the sdk using a private key used to create the offer
const sdk = new Sdk({ privateKey: "afdfd9c3d2095ef696594f6cedcae59e72dcd697e2a7521b1578140422a4f890" });

const marketplace = new Marketplace(sdk);

// cancel a deal

await marketplace.cancelDeal({
marketplaceId: 1,
dealId: 1