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The Marketplace class represents the main interaction point with the Marketplace smart contract. It provides methods to create, update, and manage offers and deals, as well as to interact with provider information and marketplace initialization.

Class: Marketplace

The Marketplace class allows developers to interact with the Marketplace contract on the blockchain, offering methods to perform various operations such as creating offers, managing deals, and retrieving provider metadata.


The constructor initializes an instance of the Marketplace class.


  • sdkInstance: Sdk An instance of the SDK containing configuration details for interacting with the blockchain.


  • An error if the Marketplace address is not found for the current network ID.


const marketplace = new Marketplace(sdkInstance);


config: SdkConfig

Contains the configuration for the SDK, including walletClient and publicClient.



Calls a read-only function on the Marketplace contract.

  • Parameters:

  • functionName: string The name of the contract function to call.

  • args: any[] The arguments to pass to the contract function.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The result of the contract function.

  • Throws: Will throw an error if the contract read operation fails.


Executes a state-changing function on the Marketplace contract.

  • Parameters:

  • functionName: string The name of the contract function to execute.

  • args: any[] The arguments to pass to the contract function.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.

  • Throws: Will throw an error if the contract execution fails.


Creates a new offer on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: CreateOfferParams The parameters required to create an offer.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Updates an existing offer on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: UpdateOfferParams The parameters required to update an offer.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Deletes an offer from the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: DeleteOfferParams The parameters required to delete an offer.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Creates a new deal on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: CreateDealParams The parameters required to create a deal.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Creates multiple deals on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: CreateDealsParams The parameters required to create multiple deals.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Accepts a deal on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: DealOperationParams The parameters required to accept a deal.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Rejects a deal on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: DealOperationParams The parameters required to reject a deal.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Cancels a deal on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: DealOperationParams The parameters required to cancel a deal.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Cancels all deals for a given resource on the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: CancelDealsParams The parameters required to cancel all deals.

  • Returns: Promise<any> The transaction receipt.


Retrieves a deal by its ID from the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: DealOperationParams The parameters required to get a deal.

  • Returns: Promise<Deal | null> The deal information or null if not found.


Retrieves an offer by its ID from the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: OfferOperationParams The parameters required to get an offer.

  • Returns: Promise<Offer | null> The offer information.


Retrieves provider metadata from the marketplace.

  • Parameters:

  • params: ProviderOperationParams The parameters required to get the provider.

  • Returns: Promise<ProviderMetadata> The provider metadata.


Static method to calculate deal details based on the provided deal data.

  • Parameters:

  • deal: any The deal object containing necessary deal data.

  • Returns: An object containing the calculated details of the deal, such as elapsed time, total time, remaining time, remaining balance, pending payment, calculated end, and a formatted end date.