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The AddLiquidityAndRegisterWithETHParams interface defines the parameters required to add liquidity and register using ETH.


  • marketplaceId: bigint | number | string The ID of the marketplace.

  • metadata: string The metadata for the provider.

  • publicKey: string The public key of the provider.

  • minOut: bigint[] | number[] | string[] The minimum amounts of MEDIA and WETH to receive.

  • path: string The preferred MEDIA/WETH Uniswap path. (Used to swap half of the ETH to MEDIA)

  • slippage: bigint | number | string The slippage for the NFT mint. Note that this is not the slippage for the swap but for amount0Min and amount1Min in Uniswap's INonfungiblePositionManager.MintParams.

  • poolFee: bigint | number | string The pair fee of the pool where your liquidity will be added.

  • amount: bigint | number | string The amount of ETH to send.